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Baked Oats


Remember last week when I said I wasn't on a 'losing weight kick' this Summer and was just buying bigger clothes and being 'cool with it' .. well yesterday I started slimming world. I've done it before, have never been to group but follow the plan from the book and since it's 4 weeks till our holiday I thought I'd give it a proper shot and see what I can do in that time. I've shared some meals and snacks on instagram and received a lot of interest in recipes so I thought I'd start with the one that garnered the most attention.

IMG_0005Overnight oats ( a SW staple) never appealed to me but baking them in to something resembling cake DEFINITELY did. I've tried them a couple of times and haven't quite perfected the recipe yet - I left out the sweetener in this one and it definitely needs SOMETHING to give it a less savoury twist, especially when using a relatively tart fruit like blackberries - but the beauty of the recipe is that once you have the basics down it can be totally tweaked to your own tastes. I make double portions purely to fill up the tin but for those on plan three of these would count as your daily Hex B and you can syn your chosen fillings as needed.. The cooked blackberries would be maybe 1 total (hard to measure less than 100g) but you can put whatever you like in them! I added some banana for Lee's but this batch wasn't really sweet enough for him.



35g Porridge Oats (plain)

1 Small Egg (when I double up 1 Large is fine)

1/2 Pot Vanilla Muller Light

Vanilla Essence

3 tbsp Sweetener (necessary.. in hindsight)

Fruit/Filling To Mix In

Mix everything together in a bowl, separate out into heavily greased (fry light) cake tins and add fruit before baking for around 30 minutes at 180.. you can put it in one big tin if you like but I like to eat them like individual treats.. I've seen people add yoghurt and fruit and make a full dessert but like I say.. you can switch it up depending on what you're in to!

Really yummy alternative to baked goods or a more interesting twist on your morning porridge, I hope you give them a go. Don't forget to tweet (or instagram) me a picture if you do!