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Blog Update

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen I chose the name 'missbudgetbeauty' there was little thought that went in to it. At the time I was out of work and so my budget was limited and honestly I don't even know where it came from but it sounded catchy and relevant to my situation. Had I known that 5 years later a large number of people would know me by that name I may have thought a little harder about it. It's a bit of a catch 22 really as I still love it and I know that putting myself in that niche sector is why I gained the following that I did however as time has passed and my lifestyle (and budget) have changed I've felt a little trapped by it. Here on my blog nobody really seems to mind what I talk about, it's rare for a reader to complain about the price of an item however on YouTube it's still very much a 'thing' if I mention any product that costs more than £10. Around 18 months ago after considering re-branding my channel I decided that if I was going to call myself missbudgetbeauty then I ought to live up to it. I set up a second channel (which if you missed the post recently hit 20k subscribers) so I now try wherever possible to keep anything none budget/beauty related over there and it's working quite nicely.

I've been considering doing something similar with my blog ever since but starting over is a daunting thought. Building a readership (in my experience) is a slower process than building an audience on YouTube and so it's tough to think of being back to square one but there are posts I'm not even writing because I don't think they're relevant here. So I've decided on a trial separation. For those of you who don't know I have a collab channel with my friend Emma which we both really enjoy but we also have a blog which has been neglected. I'm going to pick it up and use it for anything I want to talk about on the higher end of the price scale, whether it be shoes, handbags, expensive makeup.. you get me. I'm not ruling out ALL non budget friendly posts here, if there's something AWESOME that I think you should know about or a recipe I want to share I still might post it and I will still put up the odd lifestyle piece as I think it brings some balance but I will be posting a lot more over there so I would love for you to follow that blog if you think you'll be interested in that content. I'd also love to here your opinions about separating things. I think my long time readers are cool with whatever it is I want to talk about but I understand that my name brings certain expectations and if you're new you might be confused by my content which has evolved since I started writing here.

I'm hoping this will be a success and be a permanent thing but for now we'll have to wait and see! You can follow styleontoast.com here or check out or YouTube channel here. See you over there soon!

Miss BB