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Still Learning

MISSBUDGETBEAUTY OUTFIT LEATHER SKIRT CHECK SHIRT BOOTIESI have toyed with outfit posts on and off since starting my blog so many years ago but still I'm not sure how to pose. There are bloggers who have this down, it seems and their pictures always look beautiful. There are others that go the 'fun' route and don't take themselves too seriously.. I'm just trying to make sure my eyes aren't closed and my shirt isn't inside out. Regardless, I will continue to try because when I look to blogs for inspiration I rarely find a style or body shape I relate to and so it just makes sense that the more of us that are sharing, the less of us that will feel that way, right?My lovely friend, Emma took these pictures for me, I find that having another blogger do the snapping always puts me more at ease. They know what you're looking for, are infinitely more patient that most others you could enlist and will tell you if you're wearing your necklace backwards - winner!MISSBUDGETBEAUTY OUTFIT LEATHER SKIRT CHECK SHIRT BOOTIESWhen I was doing my 'finding my style' series last year I decided I needed a pleather skirt, this one was actually picked out my Milo (5) and although at the time I thought it was perfect I've rarely reached for it because it's not the most flattering. I'm all for wearing whatever you like regardless of size etc but I'm very much in the 'if it looks good' camp and often I just can't get on board with a trend on my particular shape. It might have been better with a bit of flare but I do like this outfit a lot so I'm going to get over my 'might look a bit pregnant' feelings and just wear it.TOPSHOPVILARIVER ISLANDBOOHOOMISSBUDGETBEAUTY OUTFIT LEATHER SKIRT CHECK SHIRT BOOTIESThe second reason I rarely wear skirts in general is because of footwear!! These ankle boots are ancient from H&M, I have them in black and have worn them to death but never with a skirt. I always assumed it would make me look short and stumpy but while I have a hilariously short torso I am blessed with average sized legs for my height and so I think I can just about get away with it. This discovery is excellent news for the rest of the skirts in my wardrobe!TOPSHOPblack-suede-western-ankle-boots8344242-1-black      I think it was around this time last year I started that style series, I'm definitely more interested in fashion in the colder months and the change of season makes me want to clear out and start fresh. I may kick it off again because I did kind of leave it hanging and never actually completed my shopping list of classic staples (knee boots, I'm looking at you) - but in the mean time I've been outfit planning for New York next month* and I will be sharing with you some of that as well as some packing tips very very soon. *quite excited about this, quite very!