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CRASH TEST MUMMYFirst of all, it wouldn't be a post from me without a little background about the tech issues I've faced since we last spoke. Ordinarily this drivel is just a rant but today it's also serving as an advanced apology for the typos you will likely have to suffer through to read this.On Monday the backspace key on my macbook just stopped working. I assumed it was just that particular browser, then I thought maybe it was a reboot situation.. nope. Still not working. I've backed everything up to prepare for a re-install of the software tonight but writing ANYTHING at all without a delete key is a bit of a nightmare.. so I didn't. I thought I should probably update the blog today though, just incase it all goes to sh*t and I have no means of typing anything after I try to be my own Genius Bar appointment (ps. just totally thought I'd figured it out - hadn't - defeated, again)So, on to why we're really here. I'm starting a little series that I'm calling 'Crash Test Mummy' - You're not going to believe this but as I typed that the postman delivered the first item for the series! Does this twist of fate cancel out all of the bad tech luck I've been having? - and the general idea is that I'll be testing out different products, services and experiences and giving you the 'non-expert' take on them. There are LOTS of uber skilled, uber glamorous YouTubers who can make anything look fabulous so I thought it might be fun to see these things in the hands of a regular Mum whose family are going to laugh their socks off when they see her wearing a MAGNETIC FACE MASK or FAKE TAN ONESIE!This post is really a request for ideas or suggestions as to what you'd like to see me try! I'm going to be giving some motivational tools a go to see if they really make me more productive, might even try cutting out food groups for a week and documenting my experience.. it could be ANYTHING! So let me know if you've seen something interesting lately, if you've always wondered whether getting up an hour early would actually improve your life or you'd die if you cut out sugar for a week. I think I probably will but it would be worth it if I can share my experience with you!