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Firefighter Face Mask / MONTH IN MASKS


How is it already the 8th of June? I know we all feel like this but seriously..the older I get the faster time moves, I'm certain! I had planned to do a bi-weekly series this month trialling various new masks and showcasing some old favourites under the heading 'Month In Masks' and I feel like the 8th is not the best kicking off point but hey.. here we are!

I picked up this mask at Ricky's in New York months ago along with a few other quirky looking Korean sheet masks but the 'soothing' element of this didn't really jump out at me until this week. How nice has the weather been?? I've spent a good amount of time in the garden getting my yearly dose of colour before the rain hits again (tomorrow if the Dark Skies app is to be believed.. which is ALWAYS is) and as a result my skin is pretty arid. I've been using lots of oils and overnight treats but when I was rummaging through my masks deciding which to use for the first post this seemed absolutely perfect. I assume it's really intended for irritated skin but too much sun might fall unde that umbrella, might it not?

IMG_8671I love sheet masks for their mess free slap 'em on, throw 'em away nature but unlike others I can't leave them on indefinitely. I have seen adverse affects if I leave them to dry too long so I'd suggest 20mins maximum unless the packaging states otherwise. You want your skin to absorb all the good stuff, not the paper to absorb all YOUR good stuff! My first impression was that my skin felt fresh (but I would get that from wet tissue paper) but oddly tight after I'd removed the sheet. Not quite what you'd expect from a soothing mask however after a little while I rinsed off the residue and I could definitely feel an improvement. I'm not sure it did much to hydrate but it did feel a little less dry and looked less red.

I'm not sure how readily available these are in specialist stores here in the UK however if you can have them shipped from any of the US sites I found they are super inexpensive and there's a huge range to choose from with funky packaging and humorous names - there's another soothing mask called 'Hammer Time'.If you know of any stockists leave a comment and let us know but if you're ever in NYC and needed a reason to visit Ricky's it's pretty out of this world!