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Got A Secret, I Can't Keep It

IMG_0155You might not know this about me but I am a massive geek. I love strategy/simulation (not stimulation, eyes up here, thank you!) games, I am still buying every expansion pack The Sims release, I am the only person I know persevering with Pokemon Go aaand.. I've rewatched the entire of Pretty Little Liars multiple times hoping to find a new clue as to who the actual f*%$£$@k A actually is. With the last ever episode on the horizon (today in the US, tomorrow for us in the UK - via Netflix) I have been toying with drawing up a 'family tree' as a visual aid to speculate wildly on the uber A's identity with my (ten years younger) work colleagues who also watch the show. I was fairly certain I wouldn't have the time (as you know, I am never happier recently than when I'm complaining about how little of it I have) but I started doodling while 'watching' (we're on season 5 and I'm totally bored now) Game Of Thrones and here we are. It's rough and from memory so I'm sure it's not entirely accurate but since we're 24hours away from it being completely pointless (you could argue there was never a point to this exercise) I thought I'd share it. 1. For those of you as excited as me for the end of the show and who desperately want to figure it out before the reveal so you can feel intellectually superior to its tween demographic and 2. to share a new facet of my oddness to pad out your perspective of me when you're next reading a post on something more meaningful. 'This from the girl who spent an evening drawing up a family tree of fictional characters on a kids show?'Yep. That's me!*whispers*but really, who do you think it is?