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Hair Damage Diary #1

Screen Shot 2015-08-30 at 21.15.36I don't usually post videos here unless they complement a post bit today it's just a shameless plug and a heads up that many of the products mentioned are heavily discounted right now. I've experience some serious hair breakage and hair loss recently and although I'm not 100% of the cause right now I thought it might be useful long term to share my story/journey (gosh, that sounds dramatic, doesn't it?) so that someone might find this in the future and follow it along to a resolution.. worst case I am going to have A LOT of fun with wigs!

Here's the video...

And here are the products I've been/I'm going to be trialling..Redken Extreme ShampooRedken Strength Builder PlusRedken Anti-SnapPureologyPerfect For Platinum Shampoo/ConditionerPureology Colour Fanatic Treatment SprayJoico K-Pack Deep Penetrating ReconstructorFountain Hair Molecule SupplementGrow Gorgeous Growth SerumLUSH Roots Hair MaskNanogen Thickening Treatment Shampoo/Conditioner

Is this something you've suffered from? I experienced something similar after both of my pregnancies which is why I suspect this might be more hormonal than bleach related but you just never know so I'd love to hear from you if you've ever had anything similar happen to you! How did you deal with it?

Miss BB