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Haunted House Nail Art / #TalontedKhila

Haunted House Nails

Dusting off the cobwebs of last week my next design is 'haunted house'. There are a few versions of this knocking around and it's much simpler than it looks. The best part is that you can really be as crooked as you like with your lines, it just adds to the 'spooky' feel.. great if your hand is not so steady! You can pick your background colour then you really just need a black and a fine brush (or a nail art pen) and everything else can pretty much come together with regular polish you will likely already have. Again I tried to put together a step by step but since this was less methodical it's really just the very basics but hopefully you get the idea..

hauntedhouseDon't forget to follow the hashtag #TalontedKhila on twitter/instagram to keep up with the posts from both me and Lex leading up to Halloween. If you guys are enjoying it we might be back with some festive designs too!