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Holy Moly, It's HOT!

IMG_9136 copy 2I know it's not cool to hate the heat but I am so not a summer person. I've really embraced it this year, inadvertently become a bit of a sun worshipper and got a proper tan for maybe the first time ever but today it's tipped over to just TOO F**KING HOT. We took an emergency trip to Asda this morning for garden supplies and Milo had the best day in the paddling pool (with the dog!!) as did I but once it was back to the real world, household chores and sitting down to get some work done I was craving our usual, grey weather. Don't even get me started on SLEEPING! I am blessed with (what I'm starting to think might be a medical condition) insanely hot feet and would happily have a fan at the foot of the bed every night (I actually used to do this, even in December but broke myself of the habit for my neche husbands sake) so a heat wave strikes a fan alone wont cut it. I think if we had to live with this heat more regularly than 2 days a year I would have to invest in an air conditioning unit!! As I write this I have a water spray (straight from the fridge) to hand and a massive glass of Lilt (totally tropical taste) on ice.. not the worst evening but I kind of miss needing a blanket.. sorry!

I have other things to share but the sun has melted my brain beyond being able to talk about lipstick today

*FUN FACT - It's going to rain tomorrow*