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Hourglass Mood Exposure

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHourglass Ambient Lighting powders were HUGE this time last year but some how I managed to avoid the splurge. They are pretty pricey and despite the glowing reviews (pun intended) I couldn't part with my cash. The only reason I bit the bullet on one of the new blushes was because I was buying some for gifts for friends at Christmas and couldn't resist a third for myself. I bought us all different colours so if you're interested in other perspectives keep your eyes peeled for reviews from Caz - link - and Laura - link - too! I chose the most neutral of the bunch for myself, I'd heard great things about it giving a fool proof glow with a hint of colour so I was hoping it would be an easy every day shade.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABecause the colours are marbled no two are identical so it's tough to trust a review 100% as the one you buy may be different but I was happy when I opened it up to see more of the paler shade in mine. In case you weren't aware the base colour to these blushes is an original ambient lighting powder and the deeper/brighter colour (depending on the one you choose) is the blush. In the pictures above I've applied it lightly, you can just about make it out and it does give a slightly diffused finish which I like. This is what I assumed I would get and I was happy with it.. HOWEVER. The more I use it the more of the deep colour seems to be coming out and that colour is not as light and blendable as I'd hoped. I'm heavy handed when it comes to cheek products and if I'm not careful I end up going overboard, I thought this would be something I could apply with little thought and not have to worry about but alas it can come off as quite a bold plum shade. It's beautiful and I'll definitely get my use from it but I know I can get something similar for less and the only reason to pay that kind of money (for ME) is for something different/easier to use and unfortunately this doesn't tick that box. The packaging is beautiful (although I expected it to be metal for the cost) and it definitely gives a luminous, expensive looking finish but it isn't quite amazing enough for me to want another. I'm REALLY glad I didn't plump for the palette I was eyeing up.. although it would probably be another 'nice to have'

Have you tried any of the ambient lighting powders/blushes? I know I'm being hard on it but for £28 - here - I kind of want it to rock my world. This is why I usually stick to lipsticks.. it's MUCH easier to tell whether you will like one before you've spent your cash on it!!

Miss BB