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HOUSE TOUR / Living Room

IMG_0081 copyThe kitchen may have been what sold the house to me with it's open plan space and beautiful light but the living room is definitely my favourite room in the house. Given that we are sharing our new place with my parents this room is a bit of a sanctuary for us to live in and heard the kids in to but it's also my work space. I don't often (read: never yet) work at the desk but it's nice to know it's there if I wanted to and that I can close the door and film, photograph, edit etc in peace during the day even if there are people in the house. There are a bunch of things I'd like to change, we need more storage boxes for the IKEA units for one thing (they are SO expensive!), we need to get the TV mounted on the wall since the provided holes look ugly otherwise and the grey sofa and rug (old from B&Q and stained beyond repair now thanks to dogs and children) need to be replaced but we're pretty maxed out after the move so this is what we're living with for now and I'm happy with it.IMG_0095IMG_0084IMG_0082IMG_0081IMG_0090IMG_0092IMG_0076IMG_0105IMG_0097IMG_0104IMG_0102IMG_0093Nothing is new so I can't think that there's anything I could link to but if you want to know where anything specific is from let me know and I'll list it. The sofas are from Next, the white units are all the IKEA KALLAX  units (including the desk), the star lamp and lampshade are both from Asda and the tripod lamp was a BHS bargain when they went under. I'm also dying to find another place for my Alex drawers which hold all of my makeup but so far it's proven tricky.. they are so much larger than I thought they were and we'd intended to buy a second set and have them as bedside drawers but as you'll see when I show you our bedroom (I'm putting it off cause it's NEVER tidy) we have so little space in their it's comical. I've actually taken up most of the space we did have with wardrobes and am considering a move around at the weekend to see if there's a better configuration.. I have a feeling we're stuck though. We have so little space, Lee has to turn sideways to get out of his side of the bed (yes, I offered to switch) so it will be a photo light post, haha!So that's the living room.. if any of you know of somewhere we could pick up a not too expensive and decent sized area rug to replace this one please let me know cause this one really is pushing the boundaries of grubby now.. a real shame as it's been something that has been asked and asked about and I absolutely love the design. Hey ho, never work (or live) with children or animals!