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My Personal Planner / 15% Off

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI've had QUITE the obsession with planning lately, I bought a personal planner - link - abour a year ago and when it came time to buy a new one last month I didn't think twice about repurchasing from the site and was super excited to discover the new options that have been added since I last visited. This isn't a paid feature and I did buy both planners myself (though neither would affect my opinion in any way) and I've even bought another for my Mum and inspired Laura - link - to buy her own too, it's just an excellent planner and since my initial video a year ago I've had SO many questions about mine so I thought a post might be in order now I've used it long enough to really review it. The top picture shows my old planner on the laft and new on the right.. very similar (hey, I like what I like) but I did make use of the new patterns this time around. I actually have a gold pattern on the back cover (I don't believe two different covers was an option last time) which I forgot to photograph but you can see it in the video - link - if you're interested.

I would have been more than happy with the same exact diary this year as last but since I was reordering I thought I'd switch the layout and colours up a bit. There are so many options for your week to view pages but I kept everything lined and as plain as possible, I barely used the to do sections and the new layout lost a box for notes so I'm glad I took that out this time around. The first page is intended for your name, address, contact info but I used it as a fun 'quote' page both times. This year they had emojis to play with so I added in some New York themed ones (we're going early next year) to show you what they looked like. You also get a plastic wallet in the front which DOES still come with the planner but this year they ran out of stock so it arrived a few weeks after the planner itself. Really useful for coupons, train tickets, all kinds of stuff! You also get a ruler which is replacable wherever you wish withing the diary and a rubber band to keep everything together, both of which you can choose the colour of.

A couple of great additions this year are the month to view pages which are an option at the start of each month that I chose - so handy! - and the colour codes which allow you to turn to a month without flipping through the entire book. There are so many choices to make I'm sure I will miss so I suggest putting aside a good amount of time if you're going to order one as you could spend FOREVER customising everything but I kept most things basic. I chose lined paper to fill out the last few pages but you can have colouring pages, sudoku, maps.. so many choices! One final thing I love about Personal Planner is the dates function. I added all of my significant dates last year, birthdays, anniversaries etc and they were all there to add in this year at the push of a button. It's quite a long task when you first do it but so worth it if you plan to reorder year after year, It even tracks the ages which for kids is brilliant.. if there are lots in your family it can be tough to remember how old your second cousins son is.. your planner does it for you! I know this sounds sponsored (which is why I protested otherwise earlier in the post) but I swear I just love this thing so much, I've had so many diaries over the years and it's the most user friendly one I've found and the only one I've really stuck to using so if you're on the hunt for the perfect planner and don't want to shell out an arm and a leg for the Erin Condren one (which I'd LOVE but the shipping is as much as the planner!!!) this is a great alternative for a really reasonable price.

You can order your own Personal Planner online here and I contacted the lovely folks over there to see if they could offer a discount code for you which they kindly did. I believe it will give you 15% off until the end of September - D-BSAL-ASFT - oh and the one I have is the A5 (£19.95) for those wondering.. considering the wide next year but this one's a good size to write in while still being portable.

Miss BB