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Naked Chocolate

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYou must have heard about this new launch, it's been everywhere already and it only launched this week. The third chocolate installment from I Heart Makeup (Makeup Revolution) is of the white variety and unlike in the others the shades are exclusively neutrals. Obviously where the 'naked' name came from and the perfect mix up of the popular Too Faced & Urban Decay palettes this has borrowed inspiration from.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOverall I am really impressed with Makeup Revolution shadows, their palettes have been great and the quality has been consistent but if I'm honest this one was a little lacking compared to others I've tried. Some of the shades (especially the mattes) really need a good primer to build to a decent opacity but on the whole the pay off is great and you can work around the not so good. Since there's been so much interest in the new launch I'll be doing a 5 looks/1 palette on this next week so look out for that.. and if you're looking for more detailed swatches and names may I direct you --> HERE <-- to Jane's blog where she showcases them row by row.. I was running out of daylight!

Available online here for £7.99

Miss BB

*PR Sample