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Olympus PENGenerationIt has taken me far too long to write this post but honestly I just wasn't sure what to say other that - this camera is amazing! I know very little about photography, I like to think I have an 'eye' and can frame shots relatively well however settings and such are entirely beyond me. I know which dials to twiddle to make a camera do certain things but most of the time I just mess around and hope for the best. I keep meaning to sit down and really learn more about the main tool of my trade but as they say 'life gets in the way' - in truth I find something 'better' to waste my time doing but for a novice photog this camera is the easiest thing to use to get the best possible snaps.. with extra 21st century bells and whistles that only a social media freak (that's you, bloggers!) will appreciate. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFirst it has a flip out 'selfie' screen which flips from the bottom rather than the top because apparently the angle is better.. I don't know but I do find it massively helpful when vlogging. Oh and it does shoot HD video for those wondering, all of my weekly vlogs since I received the camera mid-vlogmas (I think it was around the 11th of Dec if you want specifics) have been shot on this as well as all blog photos. I haven't reached for my DSLR for anything other than sit down YouTube videos since I got my PEN! I assumed it would be good for on the go photos but it's great regardless of where you're using it. I have managed to get some amazing shots at night using artificial light that just wouldn't be possible (perhaps with more advanced knowledge but I don't have that) with my Canon.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe other brilliant blogging feature is wifi - I have NO idea how this works but it creates its own wifi hot spot which you can connect to via your phone (and a free app) and download videos and photos you've taken. That was a bit mind blowing at first but how many times have you taken a photo on your camera you wish you could instagram? Maybe you haven't but I have, A LOT and now that's possible. If you wanted to be REALLY pro you could use it to take ALL of your insta photos.. I'm a little lazier than that so I don't but it's nice to have the option!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere are so many things I could tell you about this camera but I think I will have to follow up with a video review to really show you what it can do and share the very basic tips I have on how to get the most from it if you have one. If you have one yourself and would like to share your own advice I'd love to hear it! I was very lucky to be invited to a workshop with Olympus by the lovely Jane from BritishBeautyBlogger so I did receive the camera for free however I can tell you quite honestly that  if I were to lose all of my equipment and have to start over this would be the only thing I'd purchase. The flip down screen would require an adapter for my tripod so that I could actually see it rather than it be hidden by the 'legs' but otherwise this is a do it all tool for bloggers. If you're starting out and considering a DSLR I would strongly suggest you check out the PEN first, it's lightweight and portable.. much easier to take with you on the go but still take amazing photos and video.. all you need!

You can find more info about the camera here and buy the PEN E-PL7 online here

Miss BB

*PR Sample