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Puff Off!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is a brand new product that I'd heard very little about until it arrived on my doorstep and I of course did a little googling. At first I thought it might have been targeted at those a little older than me with lines they want to 'iron out' given the applicator but in fact it's more of a cooling, refreshing product to pep up tired eyes and minimise puffiness - perfect for those of us who are really struggling to get up on these (still SO dark) Winter mornings. The iron-esque tip is always cool and reminds me a lot of the Vichy Idealia Eyes (which is cheaper per ml by the way) in fact the whole thing is very reminiscent of that. Hydrating, light and brightening.. all the buzz words you're looking for in an under eye product.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI wouldn't say that the results are visible on ME which is why I haven't included a picture but makeup applies a little nicer on top and it definitely makes the area FEEL more awake. It's a nice ritual to start the day along with a light moisturiser or serum and it's encouraging me to keep up a morning routine so y'know.. that's something. The packaging is cute, gimmicky but that's what we've come to know and love from Benefit. It can be used on top of makeup too, just a little will revive dry under eyes so it's handy to pop in your bag if you have a long day ahead of you. For me this is a NICE to have rather than a NEED to have, I'm not great with my morning skincare and as yet don't feel a major benefit from eye cream under my concealer but if your skin is on the drier side or that step is just a staple for you anyway then I'd recommend it.. or the Vichy.. it's basically the same thing ;)

It will be available nationwide from 31st Jan priced £22.50 however QVC currently have a special offer (not THAT special once you add postage but still.. you can get it earlier) online here

Miss BB

*PR Sample