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Secret Santa..

IMG_6613I think every year of my working life (14 by my count) I've taken part in some kind of secret santa. It's this kind of office tradition I've always cited as my reason for keeping a 'real job' outside of blogging etc. I would miss the gossip around the water cooler of course but much as everyone hates working at Christmas there's nothing that gets you more excited for your time off than the office party build up. In previous years I'd heard of bloggers arranging their own little traditions to fill this void and always wanted to get involved so I was really happy to be contacted by John Lewis to take part in their Give With Love campaign. This year I will be assigned a blogger to buy for and they in turn will get me.. we will HOPEFULLY already be familiar with one another but worst case I will discover a whole new blog to immerse myself in before choosing their gift. In a few weeks time when the gifts have been exchanged I will be back with my reveal. It's a simple thing but it's so much fun and such a cool thing to be part of in a totally new arena, while I wait for my assigned blogger I will be trawling through the online gift pages for inspiration!

Are you doing Secret Santa this year?

Miss BB