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This Week

COSTA DATE / BABYCCINOI know, I know.. I'm so rubbish but since I've been back in to regular blogging recently I thought I'd bring back the weekly post attempt I started earlier this year..WORKThis week I have been mostly..sleeping. It look me considerably longer to recuperate from Vegas than I expected and so I haven't been the most productive. I have been blogging so that's something but everything else has fallen by the wayside. I am actually pulling out my planner after this, I have been so disorganised this year content-wise and now I feel like we've finally settled in to a routine in the new house I am ready to get my head straight again. In my 'real job' I have been under threat of redundancy for about a year and just found out I will keep a job but there's going to be a lot of training and potentially a change of my days/hours. There are definitely times when I wish I was a full time blogger but the security of regular income and the routine of an office job is something I'm glad I'm getting to keep.WATCHINGOn the plane I watched the entire 3rd season of Grace & Frankie (awesome) and on the way back I watched the final season of Beauty & The Beast (bit of a let down) and Bad Moms. I had put off watching that film for so long because I assumed it would be a disappointment and I really wanted to love it but it was so great.. I've since bought it on iTunes and watched it a couple more times. I never loved Bridesmaids so this is the girl bro-movie I've been waiting for. Caught up on the new episodes of Pretty Little Liars - the latest season is really not grabbing me - and I'm still rewatching  the entire of The Vampire Diaries ahead of the final episodes which I'm super excited about.WANTINGThings-wise I have been lusting after an iPad Pro for months now.. I am this close to biting the bullet and buying one.. and the pencil of course. I have been 'slumming' it with my original mini for about 6 years and had no desire to upgrade until the drawing features of the Pro came to light.. My teenage self couldn't have been more excited, it's basically technology I've been waiting for for 20 years. Aside from that hefty one I don't have many material 'wants' right now but as mentioned further up I want to re-focus on work.. I also want to get outdoors more. I'm not an 'outdoors' person.. I'm more of a 'close the curtains, the sun is shining on my laptop' kind of person but I know I benefit from the fresh air. This time last year I listened to the audio book 'Miracle Morning' and for a spell getting up and out early really made a difference to my mood and productivity so I may give it another whirl.and that's it.. a pretty uneventful post-holiday week really but excited to make plans for the (hopefully) warmer weather to come and get OUTSIDE and enjoy it